I hear this saying being thrown around all the time, the “my significant other needs to accept me, flaws and all” statement that so many women, and a few men, use to describe the fact that they have baggage and myriads of problems when going into a new relationship. I’ve heard it so much that I just had to write something about it.
Since I’m a man, my questions go out to the ladies. Why do you think a man should accept your flaws, especially a new man? What is it about your flaws that are so special that they need to be a part of the over all package? Are your flaws there to stay?
These are but a few questions that you need to ask yourself when venturing into a new relationship and if you cant answer these questions with impunity, then you will always find yourself in a relationship going bad, or no relationship at all.
As a matter of fact ask yourself this question, why should someone who is just meeting you accept the fact that you’re more than likely one of the following: an asshole, overbearing, too needy, etc.?
Really, if you met a man and a few months into the relationship you found out that he was a deadbeat dad, had no job and was a womanizer, should you accept those flaws, or should you suggest that he work on his flaws and try to become a better person?
Anyone who wants a relationship to grow should know that flaws are things that destroy relationships. When one party doesn’t want to change who they are for the betterment of the relationship all kinds of problems occur. And if you know you have flaws and are not willing to work on them, then you are an asshole, period.
And if you believe that someone is supposed to accept the fact that you’re an asshole and love you anyway, especially when they are just meeting you then you’re a bigger asshole than you think.
So in a nutshell, flaws are meant to be worked on and eradicated, and if you believe that your significant other has to accept those flaws before they become your significant other, then I’m sorry to report that you wont have a significant other for long, he’ll be your booty call specialist, you know the guy who only calls you when he’s horny in the middle of the night. If you’re okay with being the other woman or a booty call then defend your flaws tooth and nail and wonder why no one wants to make you their wife.
Well that’s at least what BW Writes!
Locked Out or Chained Up
The NBA lockout over the past few months has had me wondering. Is the NBA a modern day plantation or a fair and balanced medium that helps lots of would be lower and middle class black men become multi-millionaires?
On one hand; I’d like to believe that it has helped 1000’s of black men become wealthy
individuals over the past 50+ years, which it has done, but is it a case of them selling their souls to become rich? Young black men across the nation have been afforded an opportunity to go from a position in the permanent underclass to a position of wealth and prosperity by learning how to shoot a ball through a hoop. It sounds easy when being said, but it’s actually a very impressive feat when you take into account the fact that only 64 job openings become available each year. Then you will see why being a professional NBA player is a coveted position. 64 young mostly Black men vie for these positions every year and some go on to be multi-millionaires and national names. They get a chance to provide for their families, children, and friends for generations sometimes, unless they mess the money up, which a few have done recently. So at a glance, you can’t beat it. You get a chance to become rich, famous and sought after but the price becomes evident when you decide to buck the system.
One the other hand I can’t help but notice that every criteria used to evaluate a
potential NBA player is the exact same as the criteria used to evaluate the
slave when being sold at auction. I can still remember the remarks from the Bulls Continue reading
Chapter from PSC
This a chapter from Philosophical Street Chronic, my second installment in a 3 book series about the state of the 21st Century Black Man, Woman, Child and Community.
Home Economics
As a child you only know what’s inside the home or within the close proximity of your home. This is where your environmental education begins. You imitate what you see your parents do, so if those things are good, then you will imitate good, and if they are bad, you will imitate bad.
So what happens when things that are really bad, are not perceived as being bad by your parent/s? I will use parent in its singular form sometimes for this book because studies have shown that children who grow up in single parent households are more prone to negative societal behaviors, than children who grow up with both parents in the home. This is in no way saying that single parent households can’t develop good children, as I am the product of a single parent home and I am a positive influence on society.